Ball knocked on. Scotland clear. All Italy in this opening 10 minutes.
Italy come back through Schiabel and they're in the 22.
Scotland steal the line out and clear through Simmers.
No advantage off the attack. Penalty Italy and Rizzi sticks it in the corner.
Advantage Italy.
Italy spin the ball out wide, Giovanni D'Onofrio makes a lovely stride forward, he offloads inside and a Scottish hand accidentally knocks on. Italian scrum outside the 22.
Scotland succumb to some fantastic line speed from Italy and knock the ball on. Italian scrum inside their own half.
Rizzi finds touch for Italy but Scotland have good field postion here.
Lovely boot from Eastgate pins Italy back in their own 22.
Italy win the ball of the 22 and look to spin the ball wide, D'Onofrio shows serious gas but he just is just bundled into touch by Nairn