Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
That's the game and a stuttering end to the game following that injury to Lamerat. Clermont earn a bonus point win at home

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
the penalty count is very high but rather even with Clermont being blown up 13 times to the Castres' 15

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
That was Clermont's 4th try and there is 6 minutes left to play

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Castres have the lin eout throw

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Play resumes following that nasty injury. Lamerat was out cold from a stray knee

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Lamerat is out cold and getting attention

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Yato and Kockott at each other

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Ulugia with a skew line out throw

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Penalty and Raynal has had enough and sends another man to the bin

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Tichit penalised