Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

BONUS POINT Try for the Steelers and what a crucial score too. A ruck virtually on the 22 of Waikato and a neat chip over on the blind side and Halai collects and busts to go over

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cardiff Vaega with a great strong run

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Waikato kick it out and Counties touch it on the way out - Waikato throw in

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Loose kicks by both sides

Ryan W. Oct 10

175kg? Must be a mistake...

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Counties looking for their 4th try

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Taufua picks fro the base of a strong scrum, he fends 2 players and crawls over

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum feed

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Solid scrum by Steelers and have advantage and penalty - Another scrum 74 minutes gone

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Another scrum