Hook goes down the line with the boot, Johne Murphy returns the ball to touch on halfway.
Hanrahan sends the ball out to Jones who is bundled into touch. Perpignan go quick.
Knock on from Duvenage, only on the pitch and Munster will regain possession.
Controversial call from the T.M.O here, Perpignan with a great break out try, Charteris popping the last pass to Guitone to go over. However the T.M.O judges it to be forward, when it easily could have gone the other way.
Varley storms onto the ball but knocks on,
Ball moved to Laulala who gets to the 10 metre line.
Another poor Munster line out, Hook again clears but misses touch.
Inside ball to Coughlan brings Munster to the 22, Hanrahan with another kick in behind cleaned up by Hook.
Munster back at the Perpignan 10, working the shortside through Downey and Dougall.
Hanrahan with a nice chip over the top to pin Perpignan back into their own 22.