Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

After a Grenoble player fails to roll away at the bottom of the ruck Brett kicks the penalty closing the gap between these two teams to two points.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Another long distance effort from Wisniewski sees Grenoble further their lead, discipline is becoming a problem for this Lyon team.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Constant infringements at the scrum leads to Balan receiving a yellow card.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

After the Lyon scrums wins a free kick and a quick tap, George Smith crashes over the white wash to give us the first try of the evening, Conversion made by Brett.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

After a poor pass by McLeod to Gio Aplon the clearance kick fails to come and the ball brought back for a 5 meter scrum Lyon put in.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lyon have a lineout in Grenoble territory, first glimpses of their attack now in the twentieth minute of the game.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lyon defence holds strong after great attacking play from Grenoble.Pressure relieved after a great kick from Brett.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

The penalty's are adding up here with yet another kick slotted by Wisniewski his boot yet to fail him tonight!

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lyon struggling to control the pressure of the Grenoble scrum, giving away the second penalty of the night as a result, Wisniewski takes full advantage stretching the lead to 6 points after a great effort from 40 meters.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Grenoble dominate possession in these opening 5 minutes, after an infringement at the ruck Johnathan Wisniewski opens the scoring with a kick at goal.