Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Carreras puts it high and Boffelli regathers superbly

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Arg back up to 15 players

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lost forward and played from an offside position, penalty Arg and Carreras finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

de Allende hits it up into the 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Arg caught offside, penalty SA and Willemse sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Arg bring it right but it's scrappy

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Matera runs it back

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

SA get back to dot down for a goal line drop out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Box kick from Cubelli, loose ball and Boffelli wins the race and toes it ahead and the race is on

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Stolen lineout Arg