What happened in round one of the Top 14?

What happened in round one of the Top 14?

Toulouse serious in Vannes, Ambadiang new hero of the CO, Farrell succeeded in his first outing and Crossdale who opens the ball of the scorers. Here is the summary of this first day of TOP 14.


THE ESSENTIAL > Bayonne can breathe, mixed victory for UBB

The opening match of this 2024-2025 season kept all its promises. In a Jean-Dauger in fusion , rugby lovers were treated to the Pena Baiona, a show on the field and a mind-blowing finale. Indeed, the Basques, who had been led for a long time, finally reversed the trend thanks to a saving kick from recruit Joris Segonds . 50 m from the posts and a turning wind did not divert the ball from its trajectory and the Bayonne success 21-19. During the Multiplex we were able to rediscover the emotions of last season. First in Castres who made a new hero with Christian Ambadiang . The winger who arrived from Nevers made a miraculous save before scoring the winning try, against Racing 92 , in the last seconds.

The TOP 14 champion upholds logic 
Montpellier did not have the same success because the Héraultais were surprised by LOU at home . Despite three tries, the Cistes folded in the face of the density of the Rhone pack and the ever-unstoppable Couilloud (22-26) . No such problem at Clermont, a large bonus winner over Pau thanks to goals from Tixeront, Simmons, Jurand and Fainga'a . In the evening, the UBB held on to its bonus success against Stade Français but a blunder at the siren allowed the Parisians to start a counterattack and deprive them of the extra point via Macalou. Previously, Buros, Lucu, Penaud, Depoortère and Lesgourgues had scored. The next day, the match was much more locked down at Deflandre at the end of which La Rochelle secured the essential against Toulon . Finally, the TOP 14 champion defeated the PRO D2 champion in a historic match, the first to take place on Breton soil. Toulouse made a successful comeback by leaving the Stade de la Rabine with a bonus victory against the valiant Vannetais. 

The stat > 7. The lucky number

That's how long it took the speedy Ali Crossdale to score the first try of the season. The USAP winger froze the Stade Jean-Dauger when, after being impeccably played in by Allan, he rocketed into the in-goal area. Author of three goals last year, the Catalan seems on the right track to beat his total and help his teammates confirm all their ambitions.

The statement > Christian Ambadiang (winger, Castres Olympique)

"I was very emotional because I lost my grandmother recently and I wanted to thank the whole group who supported me during these difficult times. I had to finish for the team and for the public who supported us well. I want to dedicate this victory to them"

The image > First time for Farrell

All eyes were on him. From the moment he got off the bus to the exit of the corridor and onto the pitch at Pierre-Fabre in Castres , Owen Farrell must have felt he was being watched. Having arrived from Saracens during the off-season, Racing 92's new fly-half got off to a good start in the TOP 14 with 8 points scored on foot. True to his reputation, the top scorer in the history of the XV de la Rose remained focused, unflappable and a little teasing, as is often the case, during a rather successful first performance. 

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