champions cup
Amadeo Dal Farra Oct 10


Amadeo Dal Farra Oct 10

**** me in my ***

Amadeo Dal Farra Oct 10

Yeeaaah ************

Amadeo Dal Farra Oct 10

**** you. Leicester has won and burns had a big impact. ***** omg lol not lol

Seamus Hughes Oct 10

Good losing bonus considering... Ye'll take them at home though! Tough eve at the office. Well done Leicester. Be sure to send Poite a Christmas card.

Johnny H. Oct 10


Zakerias Rowland-Jones Oct 10

Jamie Gibson.. Take a bow!

JJ Toye Oct 10

ran at ball b4 numpty went to kick it french ref is a joke

Peter Collins Oct 10

Well done Franco Van Der Merwe..... Excellent 1st try for ulster.....

JJ Toye Oct 10

french wanker poite useless ref