Ultimate Rugby Feb 2
Conor Murray Try vs Italy
Niamh FitzGerald Feb 2

Thinking Keatly as well actually and that's coming from a Leinster woman

Jackie Murray Lowe Feb 2

conner murray

Diarmuid Conlon Feb 2

very harsh on Parisse

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum 5 now for Ireland as time runs over the 80 minute mark

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Italy so close to scoring, Mclean dinks a ball in behind the Irish defence, Parisse chases and looks to have missed the ball allowing Haimona to ground it. However on inspection from the TMO, it appears Parisse knocks on and Ireland are awarded the scrum

Stuart Taggart Feb 2


Will E. Feb 2

How were they not obstructing Parisse?

Suzanne K. Feb 2

That's it. Thanks.

Sean C. Feb 2

Jordi murphy?