Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Kenya wind the clock right down and kick the ball into touch as the hooter sounds

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

France with the chip and chase but, the penalty is awarded to Kenya as the French chaser played the man without the ball

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty to France as Kenya enter the ruck from the side

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Straight off the line out the ball is gathered by the big unit who absolutely charges his way to the line to score

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Kenya with the lead of course and slowing things right down by going for touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty to Kenya ,France not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Kenya go for touch and the line out is set up on half way

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty to Kenya , as France infringe at the ruck while they had the possession

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

France kick the ball into touch , and the line out is set up inside the Kenyan 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty to France, Kenya off side