Penalty Oyonnax as Andreu plays the ball on the ground. Urdipaletta makes a great effort to edge his side in front.
Oyonnax applying pressure now inside the Racing half.
Machenaud makes a good effort from the tea giving his side the lead once again.
It looks like there was a trampling offense from Jenneker, the ref consults the TMO.
Ben Arous is down with an ankle injury, doesn't look too good.
A Racing clearance kick goes out on the full. The crowd find their voices.
Referee goes back for the penalty and Urdipaletta converts from in front of the posts. 12-10. Excellent spell for Oyonnax.
Cibray makes a darting run into the Racing 22. Gerondeau is offside and Oyonnax have the advantage.
Urdipaletta brings the gap to 1 after a racing infringement.
Oyonnax knock on and a promising attack is halted.