Play has stopped as we check the TMO for a possible fight off the ball.
Toulouse defending on their line after illegally stopping a Castres rolling maul. Castres opt for the line out again but fail to secure possession
Toulouse continue their dominance at scrum time. The ref also warns Tales, the captain, that a yellow card may be the only solution to the number of penalties at the scrum.
Classic Rouge et Noir rugby! Toulouse combine a skip pass, an inside pass and a well weighted kick to see Medard cross for what could be the bonus point try.
Great team try from Toulouse! Toulouse turn the ball over in their own half. Flood gets the ball in his hands and identifies space in behind Martial and exploits it with a well placed kick. Fickou and Medard chase well and bundle Martial into touch. Gael Fickou seizes the ball and takes a quick line out to Fritz who links well with Doussain for the first try of the second half/
Flood gets us underway for the 2nd 40
Kockott looked to have won a turn over on the buzzer. But Mach comes in off his feet and dives on the ball to hand Flood a penalty on the stroke of HT
Huget dives on a loose ball and is sure he has scored. But the ref brings is back for a knock on off Poitrenaud. The crowd feel hard done by after replays show the ball came off Poitrenaud's leg
Galan breaks from the base of the scrum put is immediately cut down. Albacate picks from the base of the next ruck but fumbles the ball forward. Kockott makes no mistake clearing his lines
From the restart Castres allow the ball to bounce. Nyanga is first to react and hacks the ball up field. Castres recover but can't control the wet ball. Scrum 5 to Toulouse