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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

de Jager makes a great break and Sharks get a good run of momentum going but just as quickly as the break happened, it's turned over by Saints

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks win their lineout and get into the Saints 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

James clears the ball with a box kick and it travels out for touch just outside his 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The ball is kicked back and Grayson is under pressure two metres from his line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Freeman dots the ball down behind his line and Grayson clears it from his 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks steal the ball just inside the Saints half and Sam James sends it downfield with the boot

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks clear the ball back and Saints have possession on their 22 where Sam James tries the intercept but knocks it on. It's deliberate and hence, a penalty to Saints. Grayson clears for touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints steal the ball in the lineout and James has the ability to clear it downfield again

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints do well in the lineout as Ludlam gathers. James then clears the ball downfield where Freeman gather it but he's tackled out for touch over his 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks make a nuisance of themselves in the lineout and steal the ball. de Klerk gives another box kick that travels out for touch inside the Saints 22