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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

de Klerk takes it quickly and once again, starts a kicking game that eventually leads to Saints having possession just inside their half

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints win their lineout and it's sent through the hands before going to Grayson who grubbers it out for touch just outside the Sharks 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

A final kick from de Klerk again goes out for touch relatively on the same position that he took his first box kick on

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

van der Merwe's throw in is good and de Klerk kicks it downfield soon afterwards. He starts a kick game in the process

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

James gives a box kick that travels out for touch inside his half

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

McGinty restarts and Saints gather on their 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Grayson will have a kick at goals

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints win their lineout just outside their ten metre line before giving a kick downfield. Sharks concede a penalty for holding onto the ball on their ten metre line and it's a Saints penalty

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The ball goes out for touch from the Sharks kick and it's a Saints throw in

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints are cool under pressure and send it with a kick upfield that is returned by the visitors