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Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster find touch on their 10m after a kicking battle

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Josh Adams runs cross field and out wide before popping back inside, but his pass is knocked on

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Casey sends a box kick into the Cardiff half, but it drifts directly into touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff are now tackled into touch on the Munster 10m. They went through the hands but struggled to go forward

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff have a lineout halfway. Munster just dont seem switch on as yet

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty awarded. Shot called

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff have a penalty advantage

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff send it wide inside the 22m, but Munster knock on trying to intercept

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Evans finds touch inside the 22m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Scrum penalty goes to Cardiff