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Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seb Davies goes through a gap but the pass is behind him and he cant hold it on halfway

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Evans finds touch past halfway

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff win a scrum penalty

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Carbery sends it to the air. Conway gets there first and taps it back, but De Allende cant hold onto a difficult bounce

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Wow, Munster better start playing...

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster go through the hands from halfway, but put a foot into touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Evans finds touch near the 10m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty awarded to the Blues on their 5m as Munster go off their feet

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster carry into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Williams takes too long at the base of the ruck outside his 22m and gives away a scrum.