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Ultimate Rugby May 5

Casey sends it high. Its tapped sideways but into the hands of Haley. He stabs a kick ahead. Adams is back but is bundled into touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

De Allende makes a strong carry from the lineout. He is just short. Wycherley takes a short pass and crashes over

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Carbery kicks into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cardiff give away another penalty as they enter the ruck from the side. Munster with some momentum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster finally get on scoreboard as Scannell drives over from a driving maul

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Carbery kicks to the corner

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Bit of back chat sees the referee march another 10m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster win a penalty on the Cardiff 22m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster find touch in the 22m. They look to find De Allende, but he knocks on

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Munster win a penalty as Cardiff dont roll away