Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Its been feisty but its all square at the break. Both teams have been good on defense but playing a very conservative game. Its tough to call a winner at this stage, but Edinburgh are down to 14 men for the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half, so Glasgow will want to take advantage

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Edinburgh win the scrum penalty

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Mata goes to the bin for cynical play

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Glasgow switch it and go wide. Edinburgh defend well. But we go back for a penalty to Glasgow

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Cummings breaks into the 22m before finding Horne

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Bennet looks for space but the kick goes directly into touch

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Hickey misses touch. Jackson smashes it deep

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Edinburgh. Brown not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Brilliant kick Pyrgos that rolls towards the corner

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Shot called