Anscombe manages to split the posts straight down the middle.
Anscombe opts to take a shot at goal with the wind behind his back.
Dragons manage to keep the ball in hand to build a few phases together. Nick Williams forces the turnover for holding on at the ruck.
Gill making his way off the field looking rather uncomfortable.
Dragons making use of some tactical kicks by Rhodri Williams.
Matthew Screech needs to make his way off the field as a front-ranker is needed due to the Fairbrother red card.
Matthew Screech manages to smash Rhys Gill into touch as they have an opportunity to exit their 22.
Dragons playing into the wind in the second half. Blues enjoying some momentum as they set up the phases to go 5m out.
Both teams make their way onto the park as the home side and Anscombe will get us back underway.
Ball kicked into touch by Josh Lewis. Both teams make their way to the changing rooms.