Shane McVeigh Jun 6


Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Tuculet with another fine run with a brilliant step past Reddan. The attack leads to nothing with Argentina knocking forward but the home side have been the better side in the last 10 minutes.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Super run from Kearney bringing Ireland 10 meters from the Argentina line. Reddan gets the ball from the ruck to Sexton who decides to kick crossfield looking for Zebo when passing from the hand seemed like a better option. Argentina pick up the loose ball from Sexton's kick and get the ball clear.

Rhin0134 Jun 6

Playing well?

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Argentina are really in the game now with some brilliant carries from their pack.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Sexton with another simple enough kick and now Argentina lead 10-9 with 7 minutes left in the half.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Argentina go off their feet and Ireland get the penalty and Sexton will go for the posts once again as he looks to reduce the deficit to 1.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Super carry from Ruddock bouncing off Argentina defenders as Ireland get into the Argentina 22.

Alexander Valentine Jun 6

Fantastic try John! Argentina are starting to have an element of control in the game

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Folks, extensive commentary on all events in the comments tab.