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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Good defence by Boni in midfield on Moore and Zebre win the penalty at the breakdown, Canna sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ulster strike first as Canna restarts but it's out on the full, scrum Ulster on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

On field decision was a try and it stands

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Quick hands shot side to Mcilroy who dives for the corner, TMO will have a look

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

No try, short of the line, Ulster have the scrum 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

TMO will have a look for a grounding

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ulster just short of the line

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ulster keep it tight

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ulster look to maul and have advantage

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Back for an Ulster penalty for a late tackle and Burns sets up an attacking lineout