Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Naki pick up a bonus point win with 4 tries as they snatch victory at the death! A valiant effort from the Steelers but it is Ricitelli and Taranaki who claim the spoils! A brilliant game of rugby from the Yarrow Stadium. A big game next weekend for the victors against Auckland

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Kerr will get us underway once again

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The siren sounds but we have one last play here

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Ricitelli scores the winning try for Naki powering over from close range

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
The winner?
Shane O Brien Sep 9

Pleas kick it don't miss

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Potential double moment from Ricky Ricitelli

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The ref goes upstairs to have a second look

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9


Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Adv Naki