Furbank spills it as he tries to offload. Curry dives on it and de Klerk kicks downfield. Furbank returns it.
We are back underway as Northampton manage to grab the restart back.
A knock on brings an end to an entertaining 40 minutes.
Akker breaks and offloads to Faf who finds Ross. Faf gets it again over halfway.
No mistake from Sale and they drive from the lineout.
Penalty and Saints go to the lineout. Haywood's throw is wayward and Sale nick it before de Klerk box kicks from his tryline. Collins takes it and McGuigan tackles him into touch for a Sale lineout.
Into the final 3 minutes of the half
Scrum to Saints following a knock on from the lineout by Sale.
Moon wins it and Saints look to attack. Penalty against Saints at the breakdown.
Naiyaravoro with a neat line and offload to Reinach from the lineout. Biggar tries the cross field kick but McGuigan covers it well and manages to stay in touch, Faf clears eventually.