Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulouse carry into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Up to half way as they go through the hands again

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulouse look to run it out their 22m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Hastoy restarts the game

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pau go into half time with a 17 point lead but will start the second half with 14 men. Toulouse have been up for it, but too many errors and penalties have just handed the ball back to the home side. Pau deserve their lead and will need to have another half like that

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty to Toulouse, who will take a shot

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulouse take it to the 5m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Tuimaba goes to the bin for holding back Huget in the lead up

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

No try as Huget was in touch

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

TMO called in for potential try to Huget