Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pau carry up past the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A good kick from Hastoy, puts Toulouse into the corner on their 5m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulouse win a penalty at the breakdown outside the Pau 22m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulouse go through the hands to Guitoune, who passes perfectly inside for Medard into a gap to score

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Tuimaba returns from his yellow card

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Hastoy looks for the corner but his cross kick is directly into touch

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pau win a penalty from the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Good work from Toulouse as they take it through the hands before kicking into touch just short of the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty to Toulouse for a high tackle on Holmes

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

TMO called in for a tackle on Holmes