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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Legion builds phases nearing closer to the hosts 22m... but Matyas is tackled out into touch..

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ryan Matyas replaces the injured JP du Plessis...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

NOLA kicks the ball straight into touch from the restart... scrum Diego...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A superb break from their own 22m allows Nonu to go over to score...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Robbie Coleman clears from his own 22m with a massive kick into San Diego's 22m... Line out Legion..

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Moni scores from the back of the maul to score...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty NOLA... for Totovasau being offside...line out on the 5m line...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

NOLA tries to play fast ball but Legion's defence is solid...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ref reverses the Penalty to NOLA Gold...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Diego from the scrum...