champions cup
Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Obstruction called on the restart and Keatley gets another chance

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

10-3 9 minutes played

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

No card but penalty to the Sharks 35 metres out they opt for posts

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

O'Connell flat off his feet and penalty awarded to Sale. Possible card ??

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ross Harrison with the ball makes a nice 15 metres

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Keatley makes no mistake and splits the sticks for his second chance.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty munster and they opt for the posts 40 metres out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale have stolen the ball at the ruck and use inside runners from the pack to plough through the defence

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Munster back with ball in hand and covering ground through the middle

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ball filtered through 5 sets of hands before reaching Zebo out on the wing, he gets taken down inches from the line but he manages to reach out and touch down to put Munster in the lead early on. Conversion slotted and 7 points in the bag