top 14
Ultimate Rugby May 5

Lyon spill it yet again

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Oosthuizen wins the line out

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Recycled and the the Springbok 9 clears from the base

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Picamoles is wrapped up and Pienaar clears the ruck to secure the ball

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stolen by Montpellier as Lyon miss their jumper and knock on

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Harris finds touch as he boots it out on the right hand side

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Lyon on the MHR 22m line and they win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby May 5

They win it and take it over half way

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Lyon line out on half way

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Another fight breaks out after the whistle - Mogg on Oosthuizen