Ultimate Rugby May 5

Hurricanes finish a tough game on the road and win by 10 over the Rebels. The home side hit their straps in the second half and could have sneaked it if it weren't for bad hands and some questionable defence rucking by the 'Canes. Great win for the men from Wellington

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Woodward with a sublime pass that wasn't read by Inman as he was slightly out of position. Ball goes forward and 'canes have a scrum. 30 seconds to go

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Quick tap by Rebels and they are in the 'Canes' 22

Ultimate Rugby May 5

3 minutes to go and Conrad Smith comes back on, Hurricanes back to a full compliment

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Rebels lose it and Barrett kicks the penalty into touch. Rebels were clearing the ruck from the side

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Rebels on the attack again after a Neville break. 7m meters out now

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Rebels believing in their game plan and keep bashing away. Great offload in contact by the home side and Ellison barges over

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Very Tough call and you can't see a clear grounding. TMO gives the go ahead though.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Tamati Ellison looks to be over but TMO to call on grounding

Ultimate Rugby May 5

No Try and 5m scrum to Rebels