James Paulett May 5


Matteo Deadpool La Noce Nov 11

Perché non torni con gli sprinbooks

Niah F. Nov 11


Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A brilliant exhibition of rugby tonight as both sides put on a fantastic display. Excellent skills displayed by the Barbarians, De Jongh, Saili and replacements Luatua and Thompson in particular while Freddie Burns was in great form tonight for the Tigers. A nice way to finish Jacques Botes' rugby career as he scores in the final play of the game and even converted it! Thanks for following this evening with Ultimate Rugby!

Arno van Zyl Nov 11


Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Jacques Botes is given kicking duties, he converts this time and that's full-time!

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Juan De Jongh crosses the whitewash, for what could be his hat-trick but passes to Jacques Botes in what is his final match in rugby!

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Bird carries hard and the Baabaas recycle, Li finds himself in possession and jinks over!

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Backrow replacement Paul Grant crosses for the Tigers for a late try, Burns converts without any problems

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Wonderful break by Luatua sets Thomson free. He jinks and sends De Jongh over. The two All Blacks very impressive since entering the field