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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

McLean failed to dot down the ball and Miotti restarts with a long goal line drop out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

End to end from Glasgow as Rufus McLean shows a clean pair of heels to chase down the ball and score. TMO will check this, he may not have grounded the ball correctly.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Fifita finds touch just over his 22.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Benetton up to the 5m after turning the ball at the lineout. Glasgow turn it over out wide after a knock on.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Knock on in contact. A great clearance pins Glasgow back into their own half.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wide to Fifita from the lineout.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Miotti down field and Alboronoz returns. O. Smith finds touch over halfway.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Horne box kicks. Pani fields it and Albornoz returns the kick. Ollie Smith fields it. Slow ball for Glasgow.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A penalty to Glasgow as Gallo goes off his feet.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Eventually it goes down. Garbisi whips it out.