Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ospreys use the forwards to bash it up, taking it close to the line

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ospeys kick to the corner, Lineout 5 yards out

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Tom Brown penalised for tackling his opposite number in the air, just a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A beautiful cross field kick by Sam Davies brings the Ospreys into the opposition 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A smart kick from the Ospreys fly half puts the home team under pressure

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Huge scrum from Ospreys gifts their side a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Jason Tovey misses an early opportunity with the ball slipping away to the right

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ospreys give away an early penalty for being offside

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sam Davies exits efficiently

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Edinburgh kick off deep