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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Try stands as Deegan muscles his way over the line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Did Leinster get it down? TMO will have a look

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Leinster keep it tight just short

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Final 10 minutes

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Murphy busts through a tackle and charges to within 5m of the line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Leinster have advantage

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Leinster look to maul, powerful drive

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Contact in the air and Leinster have a penalty and Hawkshaw sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

All Leinster now as Carty restarts

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Frawley through a gap gets a great offload away to Tommy O'Brien who races away down the right to score