Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Dragons just outside the 22 now

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The Dragons break the line through Warren

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lloyd Williams box kicks ahead and the Dragons run it back through O'Brien

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Cardiff and Shingler will have a shot

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Rynard Landman hits Cuthbert high without wrapping an arm and he is sent for a 10 minute break as a result

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The referee stops play to check for an illegal clearout

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Tavis Knoyle clears to touch yet again following the kickoff

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lee-lo is sent to the bin for a swinging arm

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

O'Brien is hit high and the Dragons have a penalty. The referee will check upstairs to see if it warrants anything else

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Now the forwards truck it up into the 22