Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Treviso back on the attack now inside the Blues 22 after a good counter.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Blues knock on but do well to get over the ball and get the penalty. Anscombe clears up field.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Knock on by Traore and Cardiff get the scrum inside their 22.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty Treviso from kick off as Cardiff clear out around the neck. They go to the corner.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The hooker powers over from a meter out to give the Blues a bonus point try.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty Blues from the scrum and the Blues go quick.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ball knocked on and Treviso get the scrum on their own 5 meter line.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Another penalty to the Blues. Brace warns Treviso. Blues go back into the corner.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Cardiff going through the phases 7 meters out.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

the Blues 5 meters out but knock on. We come back for the penalty and they kick to the corner once again.