Januarie tries a kick through and but the ball goes out
A return and Agen attack
Agen win the lineout and spread it wide before clearing upfield
McIntyre finds touch over his 10m line following the kick off
Sensational try by Agen, they got front foot ball from the lineout and attacked well before Januarie decided to exploit the space behind with a well-weighted chip kick that sat up for Fillipo Nakosi who scores!!
Agen win the lineout and Fouyssac gets them on the front foot
Erbani takes the kick off well before McIntyre clears upfield and Lecoq Etienne returns it with a brilliant clearance just short of halfway
McIntyre will have a shot at the three
Sadie runs a good line but they comeback for an Agen penalty for hands in the ruck
Agen win the lineout and Januarie sends it wide before coming back the other way