Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty Worcester as Dunn strays offside

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Worcester look to come on the attack following the restart

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bath turn the ball over. Cook snipes down the blindside and then offloads inside to Watson who has the pace to sprint away to the try line

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bath turn the ball over and Cook clears downfield

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty Worcester as Priestland fails to roll away. They opt to take the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Olver finds touch in the corner. Worcester get clean ball from the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty Worcester as Phillips is pinged for a deliberate knock on

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Worcester get clean ball at the lineout and look to spread the ball wide

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bath secure possession at scrum time and c;ear downfield to touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ref deems the ball was knocked over the dead ball line. Bath will have a scrum on their own 5m line