Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ulster mount more attacking phases but the Kings win a penalty after an Ntsila tackle

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

McClosky with a sensational delay and then lofted pass to Lyttle at pace and he shrugs off 2 defenders to score

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kings find touch - Ulster with a quick restart

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ulster break off the scrum and the ball gets ripped

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum reset

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Held up and Ulster have a 5m attacking scrum bang in the middle of the park

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Herbst 1m out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

McPhillips with a great kick and Volmink gets himself in a mess, touches it before it goes into touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum Ulster as the Kings throw a forward pass into touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ulster shoot and nearly intercept