The Bokke run the ball in as Senatla receive the ball in a switch and he scores!
Brown cross over and gets them in the 22 as they spread the ball to the right hand tocuh and senatla receives the ball to score in the corner!
Douglas gets the ball on the right hand touch and almost sprints through but only desperate tackling by the Bokke stops him.
Quick tap to Senatla and he sprints through to score!
The Bokke pass it from player to player as Smith gets the ball and breaks through the tackle to score!
Canada has a few phases and in the end Douglas sprints through on the inside and scores under the posts!
The Bokke starts well and Senatla has a few strong runs as Kok gets the ball in the middle of the field and sprints through to score!
Next up we have the log leaders South Africa versus Canada.