Ospreys really have some good momentum now but they kncok it on and what a terrible time as Pau get the ball and kick it out to end the game
Ospreys still have possession as the timer comes ever closer to the end of the match
Ospreys send the ball wide and make some good ground
Ospreys are awarded a scrum as Pau knock the ball on
Morgan tries to kick the ball downfield but he kicks it directly out resulting in the lineout being taken near the Ospreys 22
Pau kick the ball away to relieve pressure and it's followed by a brilliant chase down but Ospreys retain possession
Ospreys restart and Pau retain possession
And Bouchet takes the ball in the lineout through a maul and he carries it over the line for another five points to take them clear of Ospreys
Hastoy grubbers the ball but Davies kicks it out before it can be gained by a Pau player, lineout to Pau
Ospreys gain possession in the lineout as Pau knock the ball backwards but Ospreys soon kick it away