Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

He is asking the TMO for confirmation on what the decision should be

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Davies blocks down Fish's kick but is pulled back. Owens blows the whistle for a penalty as Davies is tackled off the ball by Fish

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Break in play here as players are treated by medics

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Arhip with a big break down the left setting up a phase on the front foot for Ospreys. Davies pass to John is forward however and Cardiff have the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Webb'spass is almost intercepted by Nick Williams who knocks on. Ospreys play the advantage

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Davies gives Baker an inside ball as he is hit hard on the gainline.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ospreys with the ball on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Lloyd Williams box kicks to Evans who beats 3 before he is hauled down

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cook catches Davies' kickoff and Cardiff clear to the Ospreys who kick back

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

A powerful Cardiff maul drives through the Ospreys defence at rapid pace. Dacey is at the back to dive over for the score