Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ball squirts out of the maul. Came off a Worcester hand which hands Saints a scrum which will be the last play

Jack Cannell Feb 2

Come on saints!!!

Lee West Feb 2

Come on push

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Saints launch one final drive as Phil Dowson is held up inches short after a perfectly weighted pass from Hooley. We're brought back for a penalty. One last drive coming up

Lee West Feb 2

Come on saints push hard for one more

Lee West Feb 2

Let's get back on top and stay there one more plz

Lynn Gardner Feb 2

One more try.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Barnes penalises Saints for a double movement. So close to getting that all important 4th try. 3 minutes to play

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

There has been a noticeable drop to the pace of the game as both sides empty their benches

Lee West Feb 2

*** on need the 4th