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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints win their scrum and send it through the hands but Wood's foot touches the outline which means it's a Sharks lineout

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Scrum is reset

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints win their scrum just outside their 22, Waller is busy receiving some tape on his arm as time is stopped

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

de Klerk knocks the ball on and it's a scrum to the Saints

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks manage to steal the ball in the lineout and are on the Saints 22 in no time

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints are awarded with a scrum penalty and that allows them to breathe a sigh of relief. Grayson clears for touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The ref blows his whistle, saying the ball is held up. Five metre scrum to Sale

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks now a metre out!

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sharks maul from the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Wiese goes off for blood as McGinty clears for the corner