Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Saints make good ground into the Bath 22 but Lawes loses possession and then Watson steps into touch.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Allinson is blocked down and Saints have possession on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Again the throw is a bit dodgy but Bath manage to claim it with Faletau going backwards

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Mallinder finds touch on the Bath 10m line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The lineout throw is crooked again and Saints have a scrum

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to Bath and Allinson taps and then kicks ahead. Paterson is driven into touch. Lineout to Bath in the Saints 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Joseph kicks to touch and the ball rolls into touch in the Saints half

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Scrum to Bath on halfway and they win a free kick. Faletau goes quick

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Blood sub

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Priestland with the cross-kick and Banahn touches it before it goes into touch