Well form is based on previous games, seeing as this is nz 's second game of season then that's your form! But I get what you mean, I'd rather not see an "inform" allblacks vs a limited Welsh team tbh
Imagine Wales against a in form All black team 😂
Wales' fans passion is matched only by allblacks fans! It's a pity the team doesn't match our passion! Sort out grass roots and not rest on laurels after a few grand slams, a couple of titles and a wc semi!
Welshman here, I agree with Maf here. Wales is a good team but not good enough to beat the top three and that's how it is. Team rebuilding isn't the solution, it's the chemistry that Wales lacks.
That's the difference
Nz coach the same rugby from school to the allblacks team, but in Wales,school rugby is different from,district to youth to lower leagues ,to regional to national team!
Welcome back Izzy
I do support them, I have an opinion . I would love to see Wales finally beat nz for the 1st time in the pro era! I'm 37 , but I can't see Wales beating them in my life time. Christ we will struggle against England/Ireland for years to come! Garland has been Wales' best coach period. It's the class of players that we produce, they do try but we are just not good enough.
Obviously that was unacceptable, however if you truly supported Wales through the 80s to 90s then I'm sure u can support your country for a few rough years now. At least till gatland goes and we can finally rebuild our team