Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

New Zealand take it by 11 points. Great match between two 7's greats.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Stowers steps inside and easily breaks the line and scores as there was no cross defense.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Just as Samoa were looking like adding to their lead, a loose pass is pounced on and Mikkleson has the whole feel to jog to a try and regain the lead.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Samoa take the lead straight from the kickoff. They make a break through the midfield before offloading to Solia who bulldozers his way through a couple defenders and stretching over for a try.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Samoa strikes back just before halftime. It's not often that Mikkelson is out-paced, but Toloa makes easy work of it as he grubbers forward and regathers before going over for the try.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Kaka puts in a quality goosie before slicing through the defense. Quality game on our hands.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Toloa gathers a grubber kick forward and waits just long enough to dive on the ball before Kaka gets there. Spit second stuff.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Mikkelson makes a break from the kickoff and puts his team on the front foot. They recycle the ball twice before Curry uses his pace to slice through the defense untouched.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Next up we have a classic clash between two top teams, New Zealand and Samoa. Should be a cracker.