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Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Pick and go from Doris who muscles over from close range

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Leinster keep it tight just short of the line

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Connacht caught offside, penalty Leinster and they tap and go

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Leinster use their pack and are just 5m out now

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Leinster look to set the drive

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Scrum penalty to Leinster and Harry Byrne sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

No advantage, back for the Connacht scrum from the knock on

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Spilled forward and Connacht have it

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Free kick to Leinster at the scrum and they take the quick tap

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Forward pass gives Connacht the scrum