Rochelle get us started in this second half and retain possession off the kick as they get close to Lyon 22
Rochelle taking the ball up and making metres but holding on on the ground, penalty Lyon on halfway
Lyon lineout on halfway
Yellow card for a dangerous tackle around the neck on Potgieter
Rochelle give possession back to Lyon but lose it to back to Rochelle and a kick through causes mayhem for Lyon defense but stop in play as the ref wants to have a look at something
Great game for the kickers and not much separates these two teams going into half time soon
Penalty to Rochelle from the scrum
Ricky Januarie back on and immediately making an impact but forward pass brings them back for a scrum to Lyon
Maul formed but not moving forward and ball goes to floor, therefore taken in Lyon, scrum Rochelle
Lyon penalty and kicked up field towards halfway