champions cup
Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Evans converts as Quins seem to build momentum and take control with 20 minutes remaining.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Quins work through the phases and get a scrum 5 meters out. Castres collapse giving Evans a great opportunity to extend the lead.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

The rain has started to fall here in London making it harder for both teams. Quins kick to the corner from a penalty on half way bringing play up to the Castres 5 meter line. Great opportunity for Quins here.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Castres counter from a Quins clearance but are caught isolated giving Quins the chance to clear. A good counter by Castres their.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Castres knock-on from the kickoff which Quins take advantage of by winning a penalty infront of the posts 30 meters out. Evans knocks it over.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Both kickers don't seem like missing tonight as Kockett hits one from 35 meters.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Castres changing both props trying to sort out their Scrum and it seems to have worked as they win a penalty inside their 10 meter line.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Castres back with possession as they gather Tales's high ball.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Evans punishes Castres for their mistake with a great strike from 37 meters out.

DCD_104 Oct 10