Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

B Barrett clears past half way

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Barret takes it on the drift, dummies but then give s a short pass to Proctor who ran a great line to go over

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

They opt of a scrum on the 5m as ref gave them an optiion

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty to the Hurricanes on the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Chiefs clear but it doesn't find touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Hurricanes with a big drive to the line, but the ball has been lost on the grounding. 5m scrum to the Chiefs

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Just a penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

J Barret was taken very late after a kick. Penalty goes forward into the 22m.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Chiefs had good momentum as they take it past half way, but Weber knocks on

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

B Barret with a huge spiral clearance. Chiefs take it quickly